Marketing Blog#6 – Mobile Marketing

In today’s blog I will be talking about Mobile Marketing, this type of marketing is any kind of marketing that is done using mobile phones, mobile marketing can include the following:

  • Text message marketing and short codes
  • In-ap display media adverts
  • Web pages optimised for mobiles
  • Location based adverts
  • Push notifications


“Mobile marketing makes businesses succeed faster than older forms of marketing.” (Why mobile marketing is so important? - Klik and Pay, 2020).

I will now talk about two marketing techniques when using mobile marketing.


In-App Display Media Adverts

For games, In-App Display Adverts are especially applicable for mobile games, they can link directly to the app store for immediate download and are targeting users who are already play mobile games or using mobile apps making them more subjective to downloading the games and fall into my games potential user group. Businesses can also have other company’s pay to showcase their adverts and if the end user like what they see they can support the developer by downloading the game.


Mobile Web Page and Email Optimisation

One simple way to make my marketing more effective is the optimisation of my web page and emails so that they can look good on mobile devices. Over 60% of consumer emails are now opened on a mobile device. Web browsing has also become more and more common on mobile rather than a desktop computer. If a website or newsletter doesn’t look good on a mobile device then potential customers may not want to explore the product further and will be lost as buyers. In order to make a web page look good in portrait mode on a mobile businesses will need to optimise them and ensure that the buttons and links are easily clickable by touch and must ensure that graphics and other elements don’t become too busy and potentially get in the way of the websites information and functionality.  

Klik and Pay. 2020. Why Mobile Marketing Is So Important ? - Klik And Pay. [online] Available at: <https:"" en="" blog-en="" why-mobile-marketing-is-so-important=""></https:> [Accessed 5 June 2020].

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